


Environmental Management

Environmental Management System

EXEDY has established a management system with the EGC committee where environmental activity is developed and administrated.

Result in 2012 and Target in 2013

Subject FY2012 FY2013
Plan Result Plan
Laws of Energy Saving Activities
Standard Unit:1% Less than last fiscal year
38.0 ton - CO2/100 Mil Yen
In comparison to previous year Reduce by 2%
(38.7→39.6ton-CO2/100mil Yen)
39.5 ton - CO2/100 Mil Yen
Promote 3R*2
Achieve new 0 emission
In comparison to previous year
Reduce U.R by 3%
0.15 ton/100mil Yen
In comparison to previous yearIncreaseU.R by 11%
In comparison to previous year Reduce U.R by 3%
Discharge 0.15ton
Recycle ratio: 98% Recycle ratio:94% Recycle ratio: 98%
Reduce, abolish and control environmental negative substance Control in line with PRTR*3
Report to administrative organ or JAMA*4 Control in line with PRTR*3
Product Development to contribute the fuel efficiency improvement. Evaluation of trail production and mass-production shift.
Mass-production order received.
Production delivery trial completed Mass-production start of low-fuel consuming item
Reduce the environmentally negative substance(Abolish hazardous material) Abolish hexahydric chromium and lead in aftermarket product.
Completion of abolishment to rubber seal with lead. H.Chromium abolishment is continued. Continuation of H.Chromium and lead abolishment.
  • *1 Unit requirement: CO2emission/sales
  • *2 3R: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
  • *3 PRTR: Pollutant Release and Transfer Register (one of legal requirement)
  • *4 JAMA: Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association.

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